Chase Peters

I was born and raised in Rockwall, Texas. Hobbies I enjoy doing on my spare time include hunting and fishing, and I enjoy learning new things. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new and I enjoy learning new things every chance I get. I was drawn to Wyoming because it is such a beautiful state, and there isn’t a ton of people here. 

I started welding in middle school, and during a fabrication class my junior year of high school I knew that welding was the career that I wanted to pursue. I started out welding fences, and later applied to Western Welding Academy and became a student. After graduation I welded in Plants and refineries, and I really loved doing it. However, I wanted to come back to Wyoming and become a Welding Instructor at Western Welding Academy. I love the people I work with, and the best part about being an instructor is watching students overcome challenges and watching it “click” for them. Everyone welds a little different and each instructor here has a ton of knowledge, learning from them has made me a better instructor and I have learned different methods to help better each student.